
“Children are a heritage from the LORD, offspring a reward from him. Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are children born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their opponents in court.” (Psalm 127:3-5). “All your children will be taught by the LORD, and great will be their peace.” (Isaiah 54:13).

Children’s Bible Club began in January 2018 with a mandate to bring children from the neighbourhood together to study God’s word. The club offers an interdenominational fellowship for children to understand the ways of the Lord and how to stand out in a world that surpresses righteousness. Studies are interactive, insightful and practical. Children learn bible verses and songs to further strengthen their understanding.
Dates for Bible Club in 2022
15th and 29th October
12th and 26th November
Zoom details:
Meeting ID: 81215911578
Passcode: Grace
Or click on

Teens Konnect is a platform to raise teenagers who are exemplary in words, deeds and action. Our vision is to raise a league of teenagers who will carry the banner of Jesus Christ  in this world. We strongly believe that the way and mode in which we reach out to teenagers is very fundamental to their physical, spiritual, mental and moral growth. Five Konnect  steps:
  • Parents meet teachers first for introduction and communication of the ministry’s vision.
  • Private briefing session during which time parents share information about their teenager.
  • Connecting with teenager –Teachers meet parents and teenager for interpersonal connections.
  • Teens Konnect activities – Teenager is invited to activities online and offline.
  • Progress report – Teachers provides regular reports on teen’s performance.

Next TeensKonnect meeting is November 5 in person from 5-6pm

The Word of God is integral to a Christian’s journey; his/her growth and maturity are a function of the wealth of the Word he/she has appropriated for spiritual nourishment and use in his/her daily living. At Great Grace Network, we place a premium on the Word — it is the bedrock upon which our faith is substantiated. Apostle Paul struck the right chord when he said, “study to show yourself approved unto God.”

The Word of Life is a monthly interactive bible study with a focus to encourage believers delve deep into the holy scriptures: exploring its historical accounts, understanding the mind of God, seeking ageless truth, finding nourishment for training in righteouness, and building a bridge between God’s word and life’s purpose.

As the Church continues to grow both locally and internationally, there is increased need to identify leaders (at all levels) who would provide adequate guidance to the advancing body of Christ. Much more than possessing the gift of oration and wielding influence, such leaders must first have truly experienced the transforming power of the Cross and be driven by God’s Spirit in their daily living. This describes servant leaders who encourage fellow believers as they (the leaders) imitate Christ (1 Corinthians 11:1).

At Great Grace Network, our mandate commissions us to equip Christians for vibrant ministry and effective leadership. Our focus extends to supporting local churches, parachurch ministries, and other faith-based organizations in their effort to develop strategies for raising passionate and revival-minded leaders under the authority of God’s Word.